How To Embed Facebook Page Feed On Your Blogger or WordPress Website

How To Embed Facebook Page Feed On Your Blogger Website

In this article, I’ll show you how to seamlessly integrate your Facebook Page feed into your Blogger or WordPress website.

This powerful technique will help you boost engagement, keep your audience informed, and create a more dynamic online presence.

Let’s dive in and transform your Blogger site into a social media powerhouse!

Why Embed a Facebook Page Feed?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about why you’d want to embed your Facebook Page feed on your Blogger website.

  1. Real-time updates: Your website visitors can see your latest Facebook posts without leaving your site.
  2. Increased engagement: Encourage visitors to interact with your content and follow your Facebook Page.
  3. Social proof: Showcase your social media presence and follower count to build credibility.
  4. Cross-platform visibility: Promote your Facebook content to your website audience and vice versa.

Now that we know the benefits, let’s get started with the embedding process!


To successfully embed your Facebook Page feed, you’ll need:

  1. An active Facebook Page for your brand, business, or personal portfolio.
  2. Access to your Blogger website’s dashboard.
  3. Basic knowledge of HTML and website editing.

Got everything? Great! Let’s move on to the first step.

Step 1: Copy The Code Below

The first thing we need to do is get the embed code below.

  .facebook-embed {
    position: relative;
    width: calc(100% - 8px); /* Subtract 8px for 4px margin on each side */
    padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* Ratio for a 16:9 aspect ratio */
    height: 0;
    margin: 4px; /* Add 4px margin */

  .facebook-embed iframe {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

<div class="facebook-embed">
    style="border: none; overflow: hidden"
    allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"

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Step 2: Modify the Embed Code

Now that we have our embed code, we need to make a few modifications to ensure it works smoothly with Blogger. Here’s what we’ll do:

  1. Open your text editor with the copied code.
  2. In the iframe code, replace YOUR_PAGE_URL with your actual Facebook Page URL.
  3. Add some CSS to make the feed responsive. Here’s an example of how your modified code might look:
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="" nonce="1234567890"></script>

  .fb-page-container {
    max-width: 500px;
    margin: 0 auto;
  .fb-page {
    width: 100%;
  .fb-page span,
  .fb-page iframe {
    width: 100% !important;

<div class="fb-page-container">
  <div class="fb-page" 
    <blockquote cite="" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore">
      <a href="">Your Page Name</a>

Make sure to replace YOUR_PAGE_URL with your actual Facebook Page URL in both places it appears

Step 3: Add the Facebook Page Feed to Your Blogger Website

Now that we have our modified code, it’s time to add it to our Blogger website. We have two options for doing this:

Option 1: Add the Feed to the Sidebar

  1. Log in to your Blogger dashboard and go to “Layout.”
  2. In the sidebar section, click on “Add a Gadget.”
  3. Select “HTML/JavaScript” from the list of gadgets.
  4. Paste your modified embed code into the content box.
  5. Click “Save” to apply the changes.

Option 2: Add the Feed to a Blog Post or Page

  1. Create a new blog post or edit an existing one.
  2. Switch to the HTML view in the post editor.
  3. Paste your modified embed code where you want the Facebook feed to appear.
  4. Preview your changes and publish or update the post.

Step 4: Customize Your Facebook Page Feed

Now that we’ve added the feed, let’s explore some customization options to make it fit perfectly with your Blogger site:

  1. Width and Height: Adjust the data-width and data-height attributes in the embed code to change the size of your feed.
  2. Tabs: Modify the data-tabs attribute to display different content. Options include “timeline,” “events,” and “messages.”
  3. Header Size: Use data-small-header="true" for a compact header or "false" for a full-size header.
  4. Cover Photo: Set data-hide-cover="true" to hide the cover photo or "false" to show it.
  5. Friend’s Faces: Use data-show-facepile="true" to display profile pictures of people who like your page, or "false" to hide them.

Experiment with these settings to find the perfect look for your website!

Step 5: Test and Troubleshoot

Before we wrap up, let’s make sure everything is working correctly:

  1. Preview your Blogger website and check if the Facebook feed is displaying properly.
  2. Test on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) to ensure responsiveness.
  3. Make sure the feed is updating with your latest Facebook posts.

If you encounter any issues, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Clear your browser cache and reload the page.
  • Double-check that you’ve replaced YOUR_PAGE_URL with your actual Facebook Page URL.
  • Verify that the JavaScript SDK code is properly placed in your Blogger template.

Optimizing Your Facebook Page Feed for Maximum Impact

Now that your feed is up and running, let’s talk about how to make the most of it:

  1. Post regularly on your Facebook Page to keep your website content fresh.
  2. Use eye-catching images and videos in your Facebook posts to attract attention on your website.
  3. Create exclusive content for your Facebook Page to encourage website visitors to follow you.
  4. Use Facebook’s pinned post feature to highlight important announcements on your website.
  5. Analyze your website traffic and Facebook insights to understand how the embedded feed affects user behavior.

Enhancing Your Blogger Website with Additional Social Media Features

Why stop at just embedding your Facebook Page feed? Let’s explore some other ways to integrate social media into your Blogger site:

  1. Add social share buttons to your blog posts.
  2. Embed your Twitter feed alongside your Facebook feed.
  3. Include Instagram posts or a gallery of your latest photos.
  4. Add a YouTube channel feed to showcase your video content.
  5. Implement Facebook Comments on your blog posts to encourage discussion.

By combining these elements, you’ll create a truly interactive and engaging website experience for your visitors.

Best Practices for Managing Your Facebook Page and Blogger Website

To ensure your embedded Facebook feed adds value to your Blogger website, follow these best practices:

  1. Maintain a consistent posting schedule on Facebook.
  2. Use a mix of content types (text, images, videos, links) to keep your feed interesting.
  3. Respond promptly to comments and messages on your Facebook Page.
  4. Cross-promote your blog content on your Facebook Page and vice versa.
  5. Use Facebook Insights to track engagement and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Measuring the Success of Your Embedded Facebook Feed

To determine if embedding your Facebook Page feed is beneficial for your Blogger website, keep an eye on these metrics:

  1. Website traffic: Has there been an increase in visitors since adding the feed?
  2. Time on site: Are users spending more time on your website?
  3. Bounce rate: Has it decreased since embedding the Facebook feed?
  4. Facebook Page likes: Have you seen an increase in likes from website visitors?
  5. Engagement: Are users interacting more with your Facebook content through your website?

Use Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to track these metrics and make data-driven decisions about your social media integration strategy.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with careful implementation, you might encounter some issues. Here are solutions to common problems:

  1. Feed not displaying: Ensure your Facebook Page is public and the embed code is correctly placed in your Blogger template.
  2. Slow loading times: Optimize your website’s performance and consider lazy loading the Facebook feed.
  3. Mobile responsiveness issues: Double-check your CSS and use responsive design principles.
  4. Outdated content: Make sure you’re actively posting on your Facebook Page and that there are no caching issues on your website.
  5. Style conflicts: Adjust your CSS to ensure the Facebook feed integrates seamlessly with your Blogger theme.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully embedded your Facebook Page feed into your Blogger website. This powerful integration will help you create a more dynamic and engaging online presence, keeping your audience informed and connected across platforms.

Remember to regularly update your Facebook Page, monitor your metrics, and make adjustments as needed to maximize the benefits of this integration. With a little creativity and consistent effort, you’ll see increased engagement and a stronger connection with your audience.

Now, let’s address some frequently asked questions about embedding Facebook Page feeds on Blogger websites.


  1. Can I embed multiple Facebook Page feeds on my Blogger website?
    Yes, you can embed multiple Facebook Page feeds by repeating the process for each feed. However, be mindful of your website’s loading speed and overall user experience. Too many embedded feeds may slow down your site.
  2. How often does the embedded Facebook feed update?
    The embedded Facebook feed updates in real-time. As soon as you post new content on your Facebook Page, it will appear in the embedded feed on your Blogger website.
  3. Will embedding a Facebook feed affect my website’s SEO?
    Embedding a Facebook feed doesn’t directly impact your SEO. However, it can indirectly improve your SEO by increasing user engagement and time spent on your website, which are positive signals for search engines.
  4. Can I customize the look of the embedded Facebook feed to match my Blogger theme?
    While you can’t completely change the Facebook feed’s appearance, you can adjust various settings like width, height, and which elements to display. You can also use CSS to style the container of the feed to better match your website’s design.
  5. Is it possible to display only specific types of posts in the embedded Facebook feed?
    Yes, you can use the data-tabs attribute in the embed code to specify which types of content to display. For example, you can show only your timeline, events, or messages. However, you can’t filter specific posts within these categories through the embed code alone.

AUTHOR: Chibuike Nnaemeka Catalyst