How To Disable Copy And Paste Of Text On Blogger

How To Disable Copy And Paste Of Text On Blogger

Copying and pasting content from other websites is unfortunately a common practice on the internet.

As a blogger, you’ve likely put significant time and effort into creating valuable written content for your readers.

The last thing you want is for someone else to simply copy and paste your hard work onto their own site.

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to prevent copying of text content on your Blogger blog.

In this post, I’ll walk you through how to disable copy and paste functionality using a simple code snippet.

Why Disable Copying of Your Content?

Here are some key reasons you may want to disable the ability for people to copy your text content:

  • Protect your written content from being stolen
  • Avoid duplicate content issues that can hurt your site’s SEO
  • Maintain control over where and how your content is used
  • Keep exclusive value for your readers on your site

Without the proper protections in place, any visitor could easily highlight, right-click and copy large portions or your entire articles. They could then paste that content, often unchanged, on their own site.

This content theft can lead to major problems like:

  • Loss of traffic to copiers republishing your work
  • Search engines penalizing you for duplicate content
  • Damage to your site’s reputation from low-quality copies

By disabling copy and paste, you make it much more difficult for these issues to occur.

How to Disable Copy and Paste in Blogger

The process of preventing copy and paste on Blogger involves adding a small snippet of code. Here are the steps:

1. Access your Blogger Template Code

  • Go to your Blogger dashboard and open the template you want to edit.
  • Click on the “Theme” tab.
  • Select “Edit HTML” to access the code.

This allows you to make changes directly to your template.

2. Add the Disable Copy/Paste Code

Scroll down until you see the <head> section of code. You can usually recognize it easily since it will contain code like:

<script src='demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.

js'></script><script type='text/javascript'> if(typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined" )

{document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false" ); } else{document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false" );

document.onmouseup=new Function ("return false"); } </script>

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

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This contains a small JavaScript function that disables text selection and copying.

3. Save Changes and Test

  • Click the “Save template” button to save your changes.
  • Go view your live site and try to highlight/copy text.

You should now see that highlighting or copying text content is no longer possible. The pointer cursor changes when you attempt to select text as well.

The copy and paste prevention will apply across your entire Blogger site (on any page using that template). You don’t need to add it separately to each post or page.

Customizing the Script

You may want to tweak the script for your specific needs:

  • Target specific elements – Instead of document.body, you can disable copy/paste on individual div or p elements by ID or class.
  • Enable copy/paste for admins – Check if a user is logged in before disabling.
  • Disable right click – Expand the script to prevent right click context menus on elements like images.
  • Use jQuery – Rewrite the code to use jQuery selectors and functions for broader browser support.

So while the base script covers most use cases, you can modify it to better fit your site.

Other Ways to Protect Content

Along with the copy/paste prevention script, here are some other tactics to defend your original content:

  • Watermark images – Add watermarks overlaying your photos so they can’t be taken.
  • Disable image dragging – Prevent people from dragging images to their desktop to save them.
  • Block scrapers in robots.txt – Use rules to stop common scrapers from indexing pages.
  • Publish partial content – Only show excerpts of posts on your site that link to the full article.
  • Write duplicate variants – For very important content, publish a rewritten version on your own site.
  • Add legal pages – Include DMCA and terms pages that prohibit republishing your content.
  • Automated scrapers – Search for and request removal of automated scrapers copying your posts.

Using the copy prevention code along with some of these other tactics can help you safely secure the unique value you provide for your readers.

Troubleshooting Issues

Here are some common issues you may encounter and how to address them:

Site functionality breaks – The code may conflict with JavaScript used by your site or plugins. Try isolating the code to specific elements rather than the whole body.

Copying still possible – Browser extensions that disable JavaScript may allow copying. Double check the code was added properly without errors.

Weird cursor behavior – Tweaking the styling of the cursor may help. Try cursor: not-allowed; or pointer-events: none;

Doesn’t work on mobile – Mobile browsers don’t support disabling selection as extensively. Focus protection on desktop.

Readers can’t select text – Make sure legitimate use cases like highlighting text to share quotes aren’t impacted.

Test it out and troubleshoot any issues that arise to get the right balance of protection on your Blogger site.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions around disabling copy and paste in Blogger:

Will this disable copying for me as the admin?

No, as the blog owner you’ll still be able to copy your own text. The code only disables it for other visitors.

Is disabling copy/paste bad for SEO?

It has minimal SEO impact. Crawlers like Googlebot do not rely on copying text content. Disable copying primarily to protect your content.

What about fair use quotes and citations?

Readers can still manually type out short quotes and excerpts they want to cite. Disabling copying makes it harder to copy long verbatim passages.

Can I get in trouble for disabling copying?

You’re legally allowed to disable copying of your own original content. Just don’t prevent copying of syndicated content you don’t own full rights to.

Will this completely prevent my content from being stolen?

It makes it much more difficult. But determined scrapers could still manually retype your content if they want to steal it badly enough.

Is there an alternative to disabling copy/paste?

Instead of disabling it entirely, you can show a warning message when users try to copy large amounts of text. This discourages copying while still allowing legitimate highlights and quotes.


Preventing visitors from easily copying and pasting content can be an effective tactic to keep your unique articles on your Blogger site.

Simply add the small snippet of JavaScript code to your template to disable highlighting and copying of text across your site. Combined with other content protection methods, you can limit duplication issues.

Just be sure to test it out fully, troubleshoot any problems, and tweak the script if needed. With the proper setup, you can securely share your hard work while reducing the risk of content theft through copying and pasting.

Summarize what the article is about in 2-3 sentences:

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to disable copying and pasting of text content on a Blogger site using a small JavaScript code snippet added to the template. It explains why disabling copying can help protect original content and avoid duplicate content issues. The post covers how to implement the copy prevention code, customize it, troubleshoot problems, and use other tactics to further secure your written articles.