Cloudways SMTP

The Power of Cloudways SMTP: A Comprehensive Guide

Email communication plays a pivotal role in the success of any online venture, and ensuring seamless delivery is paramount.

Cloudways, a leading cloud hosting platform, offers robust SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) solutions to streamline your email workflows.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of Cloudways SMTP, its advantages, and how to leverage it effectively.

Understanding SMTP and Its Importance

SMTP is the standard protocol used for sending and receiving emails over the internet.

Without a reliable SMTP server, emails from your website or application may end up in spam folders or fail to deliver altogether.

This can have severe consequences, such as missed business opportunities, communication breakdowns, and a tarnished online reputation.

Why Use Cloudways SMTP?

Cloudways understands the significance of efficient email delivery and offers a reliable SMTP solution to its users. By leveraging Cloudways SMTP, you can:

  1. Improve Email Deliverability: Cloudways SMTP utilizes reputable mail servers, increasing the likelihood of your emails reaching their intended recipients without being flagged as spam.
  2. Enhance Security: Cloudways SMTP employs industry-standard encryption protocols, safeguarding your email communications and protecting sensitive data from potential breaches.
  3. Streamline Email Management: With Cloudways SMTP, you can seamlessly manage all your email accounts, domains, and settings from a centralized dashboard, simplifying administration tasks.
  4. Scalability: As your business grows, Cloudways SMTP can effortlessly scale to accommodate increasing email volumes, ensuring smooth communication at all times.
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Setting up Cloudways SMTP

Configuring Cloudways SMTP is a straightforward process, and you can have it up and running in no time. Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Activate the Custom SMTP Add-on

Log into your Cloudways account and navigate to the “Add-on” section of your server management panel. Locate the “Custom SMTP” add-on and activate it with a few clicks.

Step 2: Configure SMTP Settings

After activating the Custom SMTP add-on, you’ll be prompted to configure your SMTP settings. Cloudways supports multiple SMTP services, including Gmail, SendGrid, and Amazon SES. You can choose the service that best suits your needs and provide the necessary credentials.

Step 3: Update Application Settings

Depending on the application or platform you’re using (e.g., WordPress, Magento, or a custom application), you’ll need to update the email settings to utilize Cloudways SMTP. This process typically involves entering the SMTP server details, port number, and authentication credentials provided by Cloudways.

Leveraging Cloudways SMTP with Popular Platforms

Cloudways SMTP seamlessly integrates with various popular platforms, ensuring a smooth email experience across different environments.


For WordPress websites, you can easily configure Cloudways SMTP by installing a dedicated plugin like “WP Mail SMTP” or “Easy WP SMTP.” These plugins provide user-friendly interfaces to input your Cloudways SMTP credentials, ensuring reliable email delivery for your WordPress site.


Magento, a powerful e-commerce platform, also supports Cloudways SMTP out of the box. Simply navigate to the “Configuration” section of your Magento admin panel, locate the email settings, and input your Cloudways SMTP details.

Custom Applications

If you’re running a custom application or platform, you can leverage Cloudways SMTP by updating your application’s email configuration files with the provided SMTP server details. Most programming languages and frameworks offer libraries or built-in functions to facilitate SMTP integration.

Advanced Features and Considerations

Cloudways SMTP offers several advanced features to enhance your email experience further:

  1. Email Logging: Cloudways provides email logging capabilities, allowing you to monitor and troubleshoot email delivery issues effectively.
  2. Sending Limits: To prevent abuse and ensure fair usage, Cloudways imposes sending limits on SMTP accounts. However, these limits can be increased upon request, accommodating businesses with higher email volumes.
  3. Sender Policy Framework (SPF): Cloudways supports SPF, a email authentication mechanism that helps prevent spoofing and improves email deliverability.
  4. DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM): DKIM is another email authentication protocol supported by Cloudways SMTP, further enhancing the credibility and trustworthiness of your email communications.
  5. Monitoring and Reporting: Cloudways offers robust monitoring and reporting tools, providing insights into email metrics, delivery rates, and potential issues, enabling proactive email management.

Best Practices for Effective Email Delivery

While Cloudways SMTP ensures reliable email delivery, adhering to best practices can further optimize your email communication strategies:

  1. Maintain Clean Email Lists: Regularly prune your email lists to remove inactive or invalid addresses, improving deliverability and reducing bounce rates.
  2. Engage in Email Warmup: If you plan to send a significant volume of emails, consider implementing an email warmup process to gradually increase sending volumes and establish a positive reputation with email service providers.
  3. Monitor Blacklists: Regularly check if your IP addresses or domains are listed on any email blacklists, and take appropriate actions to remediate any issues.
  4. Comply with Regulations: Ensure that your email practices adhere to relevant regulations, such as the CAN-SPAM Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to avoid legal consequences and maintain a positive reputation.
  5. Utilize Email Analytics: Leverage email analytics tools to gain insights into open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber engagement, allowing you to refine your email strategies for better results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is Cloudways SMTP free to use?

Cloudways SMTP is a premium add-on that comes with an additional cost. However, the pricing is reasonable and scales based on your email volume requirements.

Q2: Can I use Cloudways SMTP for transactional emails?

Yes, Cloudways SMTP is suitable for both transactional and marketing emails, ensuring reliable delivery across various use cases.

Q3: Does Cloudways SMTP support email lists and marketing campaigns?

While Cloudways SMTP facilitates email delivery, it does not offer email list management or marketing campaign features out of the box. You may need to integrate with third-party email marketing platforms for these advanced capabilities.

Q4: How do I troubleshoot email delivery issues with Cloudways SMTP?

Cloudways provides comprehensive email logging and monitoring tools to help troubleshoot delivery issues. Additionally, their support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any SMTP-related challenges.

Q5: Can I use Cloudways SMTP with third-party email services like SendGrid or Mailgun?

Absolutely! Cloudways SMTP supports integration with various third-party email service providers, allowing you to leverage their advanced features while benefiting from Cloudways’ reliable infrastructure.


Cloudways SMTP is a robust and scalable email solution that empowers businesses to streamline their email communications. By leveraging Cloudways SMTP, you can ensure reliable email delivery, enhance security, and simplify email management, ultimately contributing to the success of your online endeavors.

With its user-friendly setup process, advanced features, and seamless integration with popular platforms, Cloudways SMTP is a valuable asset for businesses of all sizes. Embrace the power of Cloudways SMTP and elevate your email communication to new heights.

Remember, for a limited time, you can use the promo code “CATA10OFF” to get 10% off your Cloudways hosting plan for the first three months. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the benefits of Cloudways SMTP while enjoying a special discount.