Is Nigeria Eligible For Facebook Monetization Presently And In 2024?

Is Nigeria Eligible For Facebook Monetization?

Yes, Nigeria is now eligible for Facebook monetization through the Facebook Ad Breaks program.

In February 2023, Facebook rolled out Ad Breaks in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, and South Africa, allowing video creators in these countries to earn money by placing ads in their videos.

An Overview of Facebook Ad Breaks

Facebook Ad Breaks is a feature that allows video creators and publishers to monetize their content on Facebook by placing short ads. The ads can be in three formats:

  • Mid-roll ads – shown during the video
  • Pre-roll ads – shown before the video starts
  • Image ads – non-interruptive image ads shown below the video without stopping it

Creators can choose whether to show pre-roll, mid-roll or image ads. They have control over which types of ad breaks to monetize with. Ad Breaks can be managed from Creator Studio, Facebook’s hub for creators to manage content across Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts.

Eligibility Criteria for Ad Breaks

To be eligible for Facebook Ad Breaks, pages must:

  • Post videos in select languages and countries where Ad Breaks is available
  • Have at least 10,000 followers
  • Have received 30,000 1-minute views on videos at least 1 minute long

Currently, videos with multi-language content do not qualify for monetization.

Ad Breaks is now available in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and several other countries including the US, Canada, UK, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and more.

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How Ad Breaks Help Nigerian Creators Monetize

The introduction of Ad Breaks in Nigeria is a big boost for creators in the country looking to earn from their content on Facebook.

Here are some of the key benefits for Nigerian creators:

1. New Revenue Stream

Ad Breaks provides a new way for Nigerian creators to earn money from their videos. Displaying ads gives them a revenue stream beyond just relying on followers and views.

Mid-roll ads in particular can generate higher revenue compared to pre-roll and image ads. Creators can experiment with ad formats to maximize earnings.

2. Monetize Existing Video Content

Nigerian creators can now retrospepectively turn on Ad Breaks for their existing videos above 1 minute long with 30,000 1-minute views. This allows them to immediately start monetizing their current content.

3. Incentive to Create Quality Video Content

The eligibility criteria for Ad Breaks incentivizes Nigerian creators to create longer, high-quality videos that attract more views. This helps increase watch time and viewer engagement.

4. Level Playing Field for Monetization

Prior to Ad Breaks, Nigerian creators had limited monetization options on Facebook compared to other countries. Ad Breaks creates a more level playing field and equal opportunities for creators in Nigeria.

5. Diversity in Online Video Advertising

For brands and advertisers, enabling Ad Breaks in Nigeria opens up a diverse new audience for video advertising online. Nigerian viewers consume a lot of content on Facebook.

Step-by-Step Guide to Enabling Ad Breaks

Here is a simple step-by-step guide for Nigerian creators to start monetizing videos with Ad Breaks:

1. Ensure Your Page is Eligible

Firstly, check that your Facebook page meets the eligibility criteria:

  • Has 10,000+ followers
  • Recevied 30,000 1-minute views on 1 minute+ videos
  • Posts videos in languages supported by Ad Breaks

2. Enable Monetization in Page Settings

Go to your Facebook Page settings and enable “Monetize Videos” and select “Ad Breaks”. Agree to the terms and save changes.

3. Turn on Ad Breaks in Creator Studio

In Creator Studio, go to the “Monetize” section. For each eligible video, toggle “Ad Breaks” to on. Choose pre/mid/image ads.

4. Embed Ads in Videos

Once enabled, ads will automatically start showing in your videos. You can see earnings data in Creator Studio.

5. Optimize Placement With Testing

Try different ad formats, placements, ad lengths etc. to optimize your revenue. Analytics will show you what’s working.

And that’s it! With these simple steps, you can start earning from videos through Facebook Ad Breaks in Nigeria.

Monetization Tips for Nigerian Creators

Here are some additional tips for Nigerian creators looking to maximize their earnings from Ad Breaks:

  • Produce Engaging Long-Form Videos: Videos over 5 minutes long tend to have higher ad rates and more opportunities for ad placements. Create content that keeps viewers watching.
  • Optimize Videos for Watch Time: Use best practices like hooks, pacing, graphics and captions to retain viewers for higher play times. This increases ad revenue.
  • Include Teaser Ads: Teaser image or video ads can build anticipation before a longer mid-roll to keep viewers through the break.
  • Test Different Placements: Try the same video with pre-roll, mid-roll and image ads. Compare earnings to see which works best.
  • Leverage Facebook Analytics: Use Creator Studio data to understand viewer drop off and optimize ad placement in videos accordingly.

The Future of Monetization for Nigerian Creators

Facebook’s roll out of Ad Breaks in Nigeria ushers in a new era of monetization potential for creators in the country. Some ways this can shape the future:

  • More creators will invest time in producing engaging video content catering to Nigerian audiences.
  • There will be a rise in new media companies and multi-channel networks partnering with video creators in Nigeria.
  • Higher video ad revenue may incentivize Nigerian creators to remain on Facebook rather than shift to other platforms.
  • More localized video ad campaigns from Nigerian brands could emerge to target engaged creator audiences.
  • Facebook may expand its creator monetization products like Subscriptions, Badges and Facebook Stars to Nigeria.

The introduction of Ad Breaks brings Nigerian creators one step closer to unlocking the full money-making potential of their audiences on Facebook.

FAQs About Facebook Ad Breaks in Nigeria

What types of ads are shown in Facebook Ad Breaks?

The ads can be image ads, video ads, carousel ads etc. They may be from local or international advertisers looking to reach Nigerian audiences.

Can I control which ads show in my videos?

Not directly, but you can report unsuitable or irrelevant ads. Overall, ads shown are based on viewer demographics, interests and video content.

How much of the ad revenue do I get?

Facebook pays creators 55% of the ad earnings from videos with Ad Breaks enabled.

Can I enable Ad Breaks on videos uploaded previously?

Yes, you can turn on Ad Breaks for existing videos that meet the eligibility criteria mentioned earlier in this post.

Is there a minimum length for mid-roll ads?

Mid-roll ads can be 15 seconds or 20 seconds long. However, 30 second mid-roll ads tend to have higher CPM rates.

Can I show multiple ads in a single video?

Yes, you can include multiple ad breaks in a video – for example pre-roll, mid-roll and image ad combinations.