How To Create Privacy Policy Page On Blogger

How to Effortlessly Create a Custom Privacy Policy

Crafting a privacy policy can be a tedious and complex process. You want to ensure you cover all the key details and legal disclosures, while communicating transparency and respect for your users’ privacy.

Luckily, there is an easy way to get a custom privacy policy created for your specific website – simply by filling in the key details in the provided AI assistant prompt.

Leveraging AI to Handle the Heavy Lifting

In the quoted prompt below, an AI assistant named Claude offers to write a privacy policy adapted to your website’s particular needs:

“You are particularly specialized in writing Standard and detailed Privacy Policy page content. It should have all the Pre-requisite details, including; stance on underage readers, Advertisement disclosure, and other legal disclosures. Your output must be very professional. You must adapt the Privacy Policy copy and content to the Website Type below. Please use the details below to write the Privacy Policy: Website URL: Website Name: Website Type: What The Website is About: Monetisation Methods: Required Privacy Policy Word Count: 1950 words”

This AI assistant is programmed to take your inputs and automatically generate a custom privacy policy suited to your website. All you need to do is provide the requested details about your site.

Copy The Prompt Below

You are particularly specialized in writing Standard and detailed Privacy Policy page content.

It should have all the Pre-requisite details, including; stance on underage readers, Advertisement disclosure, and other legal disclosures.

Your output must be very professional.

You must adapt the Privacy Policy copy and content to the Website Type below.

Please use the details below to write the Privacy Policy:

Website URL: 

Website Name: 

Website Type: 

What The Website is About: 

Monetisation Methods:

Required Privacy Policy Word Count: 1950 words

OUTPUT: Markdown format with #Headings, ##H2, ###H3, + bullet points, + sub-bullet points

Your writing must be Properly formatted.

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Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to easily obtain a tailored privacy policy document for your website:

1. Gather Key Website Details

Before using the prompt, take some time to gather key information about your website that the AI assistant will need to customize the privacy policy:

  • Website URL – The actual URL of your live website
  • Website Name – The official name of your website
  • Website Type – A broad category like blog, ecommerce shop, SaaS app, etc.
  • What the Website is About – A concise 1-2 sentence summary of your website’s purpose and offerings
  • Monetization Methods – How you generate revenue from the site, like advertisements, subscriptions, affiliate links, etc.

2. Specify Privacy Policy Length

Decide how long you want the full privacy policy to be and enter it in Required Privacy Policy Word Count – longer and more detailed is generally better. The AI will generate the specified word count.

3. Enter Your Details into the Prompt

With your website details gathered, enter them line-by-line into the corresponding fields in the AI assistant prompt:

“Website URL: [your url]
Website Name: [your name]
Website Type: [your type]
What the Website is About: [1-2 sentence summary]
Monetization Methods: [your monetization]
Required Privacy Policy Word Count: [word count]”

Make sure to fill in every detail inside the prompt. This provides the AI with the necessary context to tailor the privacy policy.

4. Generate Your Privacy Policy

Once all your details are entered, request that the AI assistant generate your privacy policy by typing “Claude” followed by the prompt:

“Claude, [insert prompt]”

The AI will analyze your provided website details and automatically generate a custom privacy policy suited to your website.

5. Review and Tweak as Needed

The AI-generated privacy policy should cover all the key sections needed while matching your website’s specifics. But it’s wise to thoroughly review the output policy and make any tweaks necessary to ensure it accurately represents your website’s real data practices.

You may also wish to run the final policy by a legal professional to ensure full compliance with all applicable regulations.


With this simple prompt, you can save yourself the headache of manually crafting a privacy policy from scratch. Just provide the key details about your website, generate the AI output, review and tweak as needed – and you’ll have a custom policy tailored specifically for your site and its visitors.

Leverage the power of AI to quickly handle the privacy policy heavy lifting so you can focus on more important areas of your website and business!